Jul 15, 2012

[Tournament] WBEC-Ridderkerk

Mediocre 4.0 is playing in the fifth division final in WBEC-Ridderkerk, qualifying for the fourth division. Top seven engines qualify and Mediocre is currently in.. seventh place (having played a couple games fewer that the engines in front though).

So fingers crossed, fourth division would be quite neat.


Thomas said...

Good luck in the the tournament, especially because it is probably the last one. Leo stops after this one.

iCE 0.3 came out to late so this one is played with the old version and iCE 0.2 would need quite some luck to end among the first 7.


Jonatan Pettersson said...

Oh, sad to hear that. Always been the most prestigious league to me.

iCE is really starting to run circles around Mediocre, good work. I think I need to pick up the pace. :)

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